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今年で13年目、初めて原画よりコラボレーションをしております。恐竜の尻尾やキノコ、イカの頭などの模様を映像作家、VJのSO IN THE HOUSEに原画から担当してもらいました。彼の持っているサイケデリックな世界観で、さらに菌類のテイストが増したよう思います。パターンだけで見ても、引き込まれる情報量の多い画面になり大満足です!!



photo by Daisuke Ishizaka

Summer has come!

The theme of this year’s wall-painting is “evolution”, from the big bang to dinosaur era.

When I’ve researched about the evolution, I found a text says the biggest life in the earth is fungi, which was very surprising fact for me.
And, During production, I was very sick by viruses and bacteria which are brought from my daughter’s nursery school.
For these reasons, I’ve painted the wall like it is covered by fungi.
I’m interested in painting invisible things, so I’ll expand my imagination of fungi, viruses and bacteria from now on.

13rd year of painting on the beach house’s wall, it was the first time I’ve collaborated with other artist from planning phase.
Patterns of the tail of the dinosaur, mushrooms and the head of the squid are the work of SO IN THE HOUSE (VJ, movie creator).
I feel his psychedelic vision empowered the fungi at the wall.
I’m so satisfied of the patterns with lot of information and how attractive they look.

The evolution began from the big bang and the mystery why we are living are very deep theme, but it was not as difficult as I thought to draw that, because I’ve got a power from the ocean and the large canvas (W. 18m, H. 2.5m).

Please enjoy the painting at the beach house!